A List of Movies That Will Help You Get Over Your Ex

It’s over!!! How many of you went through a heartbreak? How many of you called up some friends, had a movie night, drank some alcohol, and ate some chocolate ice cream???? I am totally raising my hand. I have to binge watch some flicks right after a breakup. Oddly I always feel great right after.Continue reading “A List of Movies That Will Help You Get Over Your Ex”

Journal Your Goals – Journal Activity

Here is a way to journal your goals and a way to achieve them. You should be journaling your goals every day. Here is a quick fin activity to help you get clarity and to focus on your goals. Make sure you journal the information about your goals in your journal using the template below.Continue reading “Journal Your Goals – Journal Activity”

Seven Life Changing Books to Help You Cope With Depression

I would describe living with depression as being like “trapped inside a body that living with a mind that’s trying to die.” It is a pain that is hard to put into words but I feel at times that I live with a constantly broken heart. That is why I always have to work harderContinue reading “Seven Life Changing Books to Help You Cope With Depression”

A Big Thank You to The Noah Project

My name is Jeanie and I’m a domestic violence survivor.Nine years ago, one scary day I took my kids and fled to this domestic violence shelter.I was afraid I was going to die.I was tired of hiding the bruises and living a lie.I had no voice.I had no choice.Everything that was me was taken fromContinue reading “A Big Thank You to The Noah Project”

Stop Chasing People

Listen to what I have to say very carefully…..If they wanted to be in your life then you wouldn’t have to chase them. People make time and put forth the effort for people that matter to them. If they wanted you around, you wouldn’t have to wonder if they cared. It is the same oldContinue reading “Stop Chasing People”

Recharge Your Sunday

Preparing and motivating yourself for the week is very important in self care. Focusing on yourself and your goals is a great way to create a weekly plan. This could pave the way to success. Here is a way to recharge your Sunday and create an action plan for the week: Thirty minutes of quiteContinue reading “Recharge Your Sunday”

Four Reasons Why Self Confidence is Sexy

Is confidence the sexiest thing a person can wear? I decided to try a social experiment. I wanted to see if people were drawn to self confidence. I used facebook and I added a whole bunch of random guys from a page I knew would comment on my pictures. I also asked friends to alsoContinue reading “Four Reasons Why Self Confidence is Sexy”

About Me

Hello beautiful people! I’m Jeanie and I am feel so privileged that you chose my website to visit and consult for advice in your life. I am a life coach, speaker and and someone who believes that you live your best life when you truly love and believe in yourself. With this amazing tool andContinue reading “About Me”

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