Depression is Real but Not Impossible to Cope With

Depression is when a body is fighting to survive with a mind that wants to die. Some of us have sad moments…Then some of us have really sad moments that feel like we are spiraling into a back pit with no light insight. It is really painful. Sometimes we feel so empty and hopeless. ButContinue reading “Depression is Real but Not Impossible to Cope With”

Reduce Anxiety With 4-7-8 Breathing

Catching my breath………Breathing can do wonders for stress and anxiety. Sometimes anxiety and stress can take over our lives a suffocate us. So do yourself a favor, slow down, take a moment for yourself, and breath. Self care is important for happiness and self love. Here is a very easy breathing technique you can doContinue reading “Reduce Anxiety With 4-7-8 Breathing”

Self Care During COVID-19 Pandemic

Everyone has gone crazy. It is so hard being stuck at home. It is harder with all the restrictions everywhere. Even as we begin opening businesses back up things are still crazy. People are looting. Divorce rates are up. Domestic violence is on the rise. Unemployment rates have risen as well. Depression has hit manyContinue reading “Self Care During COVID-19 Pandemic”

Seven Life Changing Books to Help You Cope With Depression

I would describe living with depression as being like “trapped inside a body that living with a mind that’s trying to die.” It is a pain that is hard to put into words but I feel at times that I live with a constantly broken heart. That is why I always have to work harderContinue reading “Seven Life Changing Books to Help You Cope With Depression”

A Big Thank You to The Noah Project

My name is Jeanie and I’m a domestic violence survivor.Nine years ago, one scary day I took my kids and fled to this domestic violence shelter.I was afraid I was going to die.I was tired of hiding the bruises and living a lie.I had no voice.I had no choice.Everything that was me was taken fromContinue reading “A Big Thank You to The Noah Project”

Eleven Books That Will Make You Laugh

Here are eleven books that will make you laugh when you are feeling really low. Read you way to feeling good. Cure your blues today……. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man by Fannie Flagg Hyperbole and a Half:Continue reading “Eleven Books That Will Make You Laugh”

A Happy Home Makes a Happy Life

Have you seen the show hoarders? Do those people seem happy? The answer is no. We feel better and like we are on track and organized if our life is on track and organized. This includes where we live and relax at. We feel as good an as relaxed as our surroundings. We can notContinue reading “A Happy Home Makes a Happy Life”

Tea to Improve Your Mood

One natural self care drink I love is tea. Tea has a lot of benefits that help improve health and so many mood issues. Below are just a few teas and benefits they have. Green Tea – Treats bloating, allergies, acne, and promotes weight loss. Chamomile Tea – Beneficial for sleep, headache, anxiety, and bloating.Continue reading “Tea to Improve Your Mood”

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